
So many of you have shared your personal goals and motivations, and I felt there needed to be a spot for everyone to share. So here it is, the Confessional. If you’re ready to commit to making some changes in your life, feel free to add your own story and thoughts below.

15 responses to “Confessional

  1. Bill

    My brother-in-law and I started a similar challenge yesterday. To lose 15 pounds. However, I was 25 pounds lighter after a diet 4 years ago. I am a yo-yo when it comes to weight. You’ve added to my motivation!

    p.s. I had apple pie today. But that was before I saw this 25 pound challenge 🙂

  2. Kay


    I need to lose 75 pounds, but have a good start. I’ve long known that moving more, and eating healthy can gradually bring your weight down. AND here’s something I recently added that made the difference: I read a recent Scientific American which focused on obesity. Two articles suggested that we need more vitamin D, and we certainly don’t get it from skin exposed to the sun, especially those of us who live in the north.

    It, and a subsequent show on public radio suggested 1000 t0 2000 units per day. The radio show was touting it’s efficacy for heart health. I take my regular multivitamin, which has 400 units, and and an extra 1000 units. It comes out to a loss of 1-2 lbs/week with an occasional setback when hosting celebratory meals or when traveling. I’ve lost 23 pounds in the last five months. My vitamin D intake has been approved by my doctor and he really approves of the weight loss!

    For me, vitamin D is the key that was missing.


  3. Jayne

    Corey, I am also gaining weight. Part of my problem is the meds I am on for pain. My dr. knows that if they tell me my weight I have to kill them.

    I eat all the wrong things, I don’t eat breakfast. I drink an entire pot of coffee all by myself, usually skip lunch, and have pretzels about 2pm to hold me until dinner.

    I eat pasta, but about 1/3 of what Ed eats. I am the tiny one in my family. Mostly they are built like umpa lumpazzzzz. I stay about the same weight as I was when I got married 40 years ago.

    I hate that I do not eat right, but I think I am going to try your tricks, and try to eat smaller portions (lunch plates), and eat more often.

    That means I will have to get my lazy hinder up in time to get some fruit, lots of water, and good low fat items in my diet.

    There are people at the school using Weight Watchers. Of course, it means meetings, I HATE THEM, but most have lost 10 to 25 lbs. this year. GOOD LUCK. jayne

  4. Kat

    My name is Kat. I am an addict. I have been hooked on Diet Coke for as long as I can remember. At least two 20-ouncers a day. In the case of a stressful day, I’ll get the shakes – so it’s sometimes three. Yes, it’s true. I admit I get a thrilling sensation from holding an icy-cold bottle plucked straight from the cooler in my hands, the “fffsssttt” of cracking open the seal, the fizzy burn as it glides down my throat – and the immediate buzz. It’s my caffeine in a bottle. Now I know that’s not the worst addiction in the world to have. I could be addicted to something, say, like cheesecorn or cigarettes. But from here on, I plan to make a conscious effort to cut back on the artificial-color added and splenda-infused beverage and replace with boring ol’ H2O. That’s my challenge.

  5. Corey

    Oh Kat, you’re reminding me of my other “issue.” I too know the fizzy joy of Diet Coke. I’m just going to work on one thing at a time.

    Bill, Kay, Jayne, Kat – We’re all rooting for you in you efforts to make healthy decisions! Keep up the good work.


  6. Anne

    Hey, I subscribe to “The Secret”- just THINK about your ideal weight all the time…and it will happen.

    But just between you and me, I did hit the gym today now that my kids are back in school.

    I think you look great and that’s the best place to start.

    So- good luck but concentrate on what you like about yourself now and that will make your
    efforts all the more worthwhile.

    Take Care!

  7. Beth

    OK … I always have an excuse. My daughter is 6 and I have yet to get rid of that baby fat. going through a divorce while pregnant isn’t easy, raising a child alone… all my excuses. i hate cooking, don’t like to eat many vegetables, don’t make the time to exercise much … i need to get my butt in gear and my mouth out of gear!!! day by day I guess right??? I just like to eat – even though I have cut back on fast food, try to eat more fruits, take the 3 flights of stairs at work. I just don’t have the ambition I need – even though my doctor told me I have to loose weight and I hate being out of breath playing with my daughter. I CAN DO IT — i just have to keep telling myself that.
    I joined the group on facebook – maybe that will help and I can hold myself accountable.
    (Hey Corey – I remember you from Northern too by the way – you were friends with Krista right??)

  8. Liam

    I’m going to do it too…….I have set my goal at 40 pounds……and back to the Gym……counting calories…ugh!….but I can and will do it…..

  9. Kat

    O-tay, a quick update on my Diet Coke Challenge…I’ve managed to resist the drive-through several times when running errands, and on the occassion I’ve had to succumb to the fizz, I’ve substituted either iced tea w/lemon or Caffeine-free Diet Pepsi (which compared to Diet Coke tastes absolutely flat!) I’ve also managed to save a few bucks, not to mention I now have some free space in my little fridge – a 24-pak sure doesn’t leave much room!

  10. Corey

    Beth – We’re behind you 100%. It’s funny you mention baby fat. I just got an email this morning from a friend who was lamenting baby fat. Her comment was “It’s been almost 4 years (for her), the baby weight excuse does have a statute of limitations!”

    You CAN do it. Just stay the course…one pound at a time.

    Kat – Way to cut back…I’m still at it.

  11. Liam

    Well…day one…..I did very well…….not quite enough water……bought a box of 100 calorie snacks and popcorn… I can keep track of intake. I think I eat a lot of calories without thinking. “Oh these 6 hand full of peanuts must only be about 25 calories” 6 times a day…….Oh, and I’m wondering why I need to loose weight……

  12. Kristen

    Liam–it’s the Klippel curse… not that that helps, but I SWEAR it’s genetic.

  13. CJ

    Hi guys,

    Corey you are such an inspiration! You know that my sister and I have tried to lose weight – we even went to Fat Camp in Ireland…then we realized it was to Get Fat! But, oh my gosh, it was fun! Laury thought that taking care of her “son” (Gristle) would help her to lose the Ireland weight, but so far, it’s not happening…

    Kat/Corey – I was a Diet Coke junkie for many years. I switched to those fizzy flavored waters, and then finally to bottled water…it feels good to get that monkey off my back…now if I could only get off the Jameson! 🙂

    Liam – does this mean that my peanut stash is now safe? I’ll stock up on those 100 calorie snacks for you… love ya both! – CJ

  14. Liam

    Oh CJ…..don’t give up the Jameson…..Taken in large doses it to can be a cleanser…….I once drank so much it came out both the top and the bottom…the next day I didn’t eat anything and I lost about 5 pounds when I stepped on the scale the following day……Hm…I forgot how good the Jameson weight lose program was……I’m going to start it right now…….cheers!

  15. Liam

    I’m so ashamed…..I just got into work today…and there was a cake in the fridge from a retirement party from yesterday……and I took a sliver of cake….and I was not even hungry….it was there …it look wonderful…..and I took it………Even though it was small…….. it was still sooooooo…wrong. I hang my head and ask for forgivness.

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